Feb 21, 2022Liked by Erica Manfred

This is a wonderful tribute. May your heart heal in time. I know being snarky is not always a full solution to this kind of pain... but it sure helps. Love to you, Erica.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Erica Manfred

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what you're going through. Your euIogy for Lonnie was wonderful. It brought tears to my eyes. I too, lost my sister from another mother. I reaIIy miss my BFF. At odd moments I find myself talking to her. I wonder if she hears me. Thank you for sharing.

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I am sorry for your loss and hope that writing this was somewhat cathartic.

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Lovely tribute. Sorry for your loss, Erica.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Erica Manfred

Such a heartfelt post. I’m so sorry about Lonnie’s passing.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Erica Manfred

My condolences on the loss of your true sister in life. Reading your reminiscence of your younger years when you and Lonnie spent hours and days together, I could picture the two of you sitting in New York cafes and chatting away the time. I never thought I'd miss the '80's, but now that I'm old, I do.

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Thank you for sharing this wonderful remembrance. I lost my Lonnie a couple years ago. It's hard. Take care of yourself.

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Takes me back, Erica. And let's face it, those were the golden years of intellectual, work-life and sexual exploration. The highs were higher, perhaps the pain was sharper, but I can feel that steamy summer NY air on my arms as I write this. So aware and yet innocent in some fundamental way.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Erica Manfred

Such a beautiful elegy for your friend and for a time. And your description of how the two of you consciously worked to preserve the friendship is inspiring.

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Those of us who were blessed with extraordinary "sisters from other mothers" and are left to navigate life without them carry both an extra blessing and extra burden. So sorry for your loss. So grateful you had one-another. So appreciative that you were able to capture her essence and your relationship so brilliantly. Thank you for sharing her with us....

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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022Liked by Erica Manfred

Wonderful reminiscence, wonderfully told. I can picture my Big Sis living this life had she been in New York City. Sorry for your loss.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Erica Manfred

A moving, beautiful piece of writing--about a wonderful friendship. Reading this loving-memory pulls me out of my daily routine and petty self-concerns into a deeper and wider place... This is a perfect rendering of true friendship...

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A beautiful piece Erica, so sorry for your loss ❤️ Thank you also for capturing the busyness and noise of young women trying to find a footing now. I (at 27) envy the afternoons you mention at Marvin's.

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Thank you so much

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loved that, Erica. So sorry.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Erica Manfred

Sorry to hear about your loss. That's the very thing I hate most about growing older - losing our beloved friends.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Erica Manfred

There is no one on earth like a long time close friend. When they leave us they take so much history and part of our identity. And we are left with a gaping hole where they used to be. I send love and caring. Thanks for sharing lovely Lonnie with us.

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