Tour de farce!

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Believe it, sister. There are weird phenomena. Even physicists use the word.

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I don’t believe in woo woo stuff, but I still believe I saw some sort of goblin leering at me through the second storey window of my grandmother’s house, as my mother was putting me to bed when I was 3 or 4. I can still picture it.

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I have been called Weirdo!! I believe in mediums, psychics, and tarot cards! U have a WooWoo weirdo friend!! Ann

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This is laugh out loud funny.

FYI: There ARE suits and numbered cards in Tarot and the medieval garb is one of many iterations of Tarot. You don’t need any training to read them; it’s a creative art. If you are simply using creative license; my cards suggested I give you a pass! Just this once!😆

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Apparently wierdo is an acceptable way to spell the word previously spelled as weirdo. True fact (these days we need to distinguish). I googled. Further exploration via google of weirdness/wierdness uncovered a list of things we do that may classify us as the W word. Several of them are things that characterize me. But I will stick with being weird.

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spellcheck has failed me again. :-(

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Definitely LOL! 🤣🤣

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