Lovely essay, as always..couple of points..she doesn't know..then she knows..and plots to screw him over with the leak to the prosecutor - as you point out ethical violations all the way around. If she's such a qualified professional, she lives with a psychopath for 13 years without even a hint? Either he's really good at suppressing natural instincts or she really is distracted. Then there's the dad giving him half a mil..what was that all about? A loose end? The writing was sloppy but did anyone care with the wardrobes and bed hijinks? Ahh..no excuse. A better plot would have been a triangle with the father, the husband and Elena..it would have made the loan (hush money), the picture of Nicole (a gift for daddy) and the motivation for murder (if I can't have you, nobody can..either man would do).

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That would make too much sense. The plot was a hot mess but it was addictive nonetheless.

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Uh, if you want to see Donald Sutherland sexy, watch the terrific "Don't Look Now" which came out in the 1970s. With Julie Christie.. and features a hot sexy scenE in the very beginning... a great thriller to boot! And mostly filmed in Venice, Italy... what else do you need??

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