Many years ago, before the AIDS epidemic began, I worked at the NYCCIFW (NYC Correctional Inst. for Women) AKA Riker’s Island. I was working in the social services section and thus had the opportunity to meet with and speak at length with many of the incarcerated women. Imagine my surprise when an occasional inmate told me she deliberately got arrested so she could get “three ‘hots’ and a cot” and to get all their medical and dental work done for free.

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So funny even though you underwent a harrowing experience! You’ve got moxie and will have till the day you leave the planet. Write on!

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Wow! Having been in the hospital way too many times, I have to say I have never had any experience that even begins to compare with this one. I can see why prison might sound preferable. So glad you are doing better and remain your snarky self.

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The incessant din at hospitals is awful. Constant banging of buckets into walls, etc. Sure the cleaning staff needs to work, but it's possible to do it less noisily. And the barging into your room at all hours is a huge pain. I'm with you on this one.

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I recently had an episode that was either a TIA or a complex migraine. I couldn’t find the words I needed to express myself, something that is not usually a problem for me. At my request, my son took me to the Emergency Department at the hospital with which my doctor is associated where, and this is the kicker, folks: I spent the night on a gurney in the brightly lit hallway of the very, very busy E.D. The highlight was an MRI at 3 in the morning. By that time, whatever the issue was had long since resolved and I was using my words just fine. Swear to god, I’m never going to the hospital again.

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Hospitals are bad enough when you’re sick but when you’re on the upswing they’re even worse. Feel better.

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Ungrateful much?

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Judgy much?

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Perhaps you shouldn't be looking for Sweetness and Light in a post titled Snarky Senior by someone who has undergone an awful experience. Yes, they do happen!

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