Edgy but very funny. However wanted to note that thanks to MBS women are now allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia and don't even require male permission to leave the house (!). So you might want to revise that part.

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You're out of your mind--in a good way!

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Let there be Snark!

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Very funny!

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Taking the sightseeing tour of Russia off my bucket list. Not going to cruise, drive, walk, fly or go anywhere near there. Someone there might have been reading my posts online. If I am kidnapped and imprisoned, no one will pay my ransom. I don't want to have to kiss my ass goodbye!

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Good decision. Winding up in a Russian prison is no picnic.

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Memoirs are the rage right now and gray hairs are an asset and a sign you might have a store of experiences to share. In you case you also have years of funny snarky columns to use. I can see a best seller in that.

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Love it 😂

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I love ur sense of humor! Great attitude, keep laughing. Ann

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I knew someone would say it’s too soon. But you always make me laugh. We’d have been great friends!

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Snarky Senior is one of my favorite InBox occupants on a regular basis. However, I must confess I found making light of the deaths of five people in very poor taste.

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Sorry Sue but snarky is often in bad taste. Laughing at death, including my own, is what I do best. Keep on reading! I appreciate your support.

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