It is totally impossible for me to ever answer one of those pain number questions. It makes absolutely no sense to my brain! I am heading toward a knee replacement, and I still cannot figure out how badly my knee hurts!

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I had a knee replacement 10 days ago. You will be asked the pain number question repeatedly. Just go with the flow and you’ll get through it.

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Oh my heavens, I hope that really isn't what happened to you, but it was amusing, and I loved both of the pain scales you gave us. I'm off to the doctor this week, not because of pain (which for me is pretty chronic, but mostly in the 2-4 scale) but because "I just don't feel right, but maybe its just age." I fear this isn't going to get a better response than you got to your initial pain response. However, I have been working very hard with this primary care doctor over the past decade or so to establish my credibility, so I have some hope of her working with me to find a solution! And I will make sure to have gone to the bathroom before I get there!!!

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THIS was funny.

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You certainly paint an amusing picture!

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